As I read through it once or twice, I noticed the many things that God, as our Shepherd, does for us. Almost sounds too anthropocentric [Man-Centered] (I just read that word in a book the other day, so I thought I’d use it!). Example being verses 2 & 3: He makes me to lie down…He leads me…He restores my soul…He leads me in the paths of righteousness. But then the end of verse 3 gives us a right jerk back to the ultimate purpose of this, “For His name’s sake”. Is this not the purpose of any of God’s works? Ephesians 1 is a great example. Three times in the long list of “spiritual blessings” we are given is the reason: “to the praise of His glorious grace” (vs. 6, 12 & 14; see also vs. 5, 7, and 9).
As I teach my children about God’s creation (Who created the heavens and the earth... the trees...the flowers...the moon...the rocks...the mud...the anteater...the lightning...and you? I must be sure to teach him also, “WHY did God create these things? For His own GLORY!”
Lord, my Shepherd, help me to stay theocentric [God-Centred] in every minute aspect of life. As the saying goes, It’s all about You.
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