I'm reading through John Owen's classic, The Glory of Christ, with a couple of other guys. My desire is to create a list of study questions to help further our thinking about each chapter. I'll be posting them here, as we work our way through the book.
Feel free to use these for your own study, but include the source below, as I'm going to consider submitting these to Banner of Truth for possible publication - depending on how they turn out. I'd sure welcome your input.
These questions are based off the "Puritan Paperback" edition by Banner of Truth, which is abridged by R.J.K. Law. However, for the serious reader, the entire unabridged work can be found online here for free.
(For a Microsoft Word document of these questions, click here.)
The Glory of Christ by John Owen
Abridged by R.J.K. Law
Study Guide
Chapter Three
The Glory of Christ in His Person
Memory Verse:
1 Peter 1:13 “Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (ESV)
1. John Owen starts this chapter by introducing the “mystery” of Christ’s person. Describe, in your own words, this “mystery”.
2. List the “two evils” of Satan’s first sin. (p. 29) How does Owen suggest that the glory of Christ in His person frustrates Satan?
3. What importance does Owen place on the glory of Christ as it relates to the church?
4. Describe the imagery we see in Exodus 3:2-6 (Moses & the burning bush) of the glory of God in the person of the Son.
5. List Owen’s outline to the remainder of this chapter, including main points and sub-points. (beginning on p. 31)
6. John Owen wants to “fix in our minds” on the fact that the glory of Christ should be the focus of our hearts and minds. He offers several questions to help evaluate where our thoughts & the world’s thought are: “What are all other things in comparison to the ‘knowledge of Christ?’”; “What does the world think about and desire most?”; etc. Consider these questions, then answer this question, “What do I spend the majority of my time thinking about and how can I better meditate on the glories of Christ?”
7. List “three ways by which the glories of Christ are represented to us in Scripture.” (p. 32)
8. Read Isaiah 6 and John 12:36b-41. Based on your understanding of these passages and Owen’s remarks on the bottom of page 32 & top of page 33, who do you think Isaiah saw? Explain your answer.
9. What other passages come to mind where we see the glory of God expressed in the Son?
10. What does it mean to meditate on Scripture? What instructions, warnings and observations does Owen make on p. 34 regarding such meditation?
11. John Owen wants us to increase our thoughts of Christ during the day (p. 35). What practical ways can we accomplish this?
12. Explain the relationship between the glory of Christ and the grace of Christ. (p. 35)
13. How should we respond when it seems as if Christ has withdrawn from us? (p. 35-36)
14. As a follow up to question #11, how can we turn our thoughts of Christ toward “admiration, adoration and thanksgiving?”
Copyright © 2006 Aaron S. Wilson
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