This Friday will be exactly one year since my first post here at iamchief. I'm not alone, I just saw where another brother is marking one year in the blogo-sphere as well.
So, by way of celebrating - and to give me an easy way to post during a week when I haven't much time...I'm going to re-post FIVE of my FAVORITE blog posts from the past year (in no particular order). I'll blog one "post from the past" each day this week, culminating on Friday. (somehow I think I'm the only one excited about this)
What's been your favorite post at iamchief? Let me know in the comments, and perhaps I'll post the most popular (considering my wide reading audience of two, this might not go over all that well).
My first of five is actually one of my first posts. It has to do with my son's first haircut (which wasn't his last!). This post was titled:
Cheesy Hair Salon Names and My Son's New "Do"

Ever noticed all those corny names for hair salon? My guess is that they mostly rank pretty high on the cheese factor scale. Granted, it's hard to come up with a great pun. Puns are either royal, or just plain retarded:
Cuttin' Up
Hair Force Academy
A Cut Above
The only two punny names that weren't funny names that I can remember were "The Clipper Ship", where the owner used a clipper ship decor in his salon and "Choppers", where the decor was - of course - choppers (those motorcycles with the front wheel sticking way out). Those where cool names, and actually were used for the same shop. Apparently the owner got seasick from looking at so many boats, that he got revved up over motor bikes. (I know, bad puns! See, I prove my point!) You know, now that I think about it, this same guy, many years earlier, named his shop "Suds & Scissors" and before that "His & Hers". Not bad, not bad. For the record, as I've grown up, I've had my hair cut in every one of the above establishments.
Here's just a few I found quickly on the internet, some of them aren't really puns, and some of them are actully kind of cool.
Shear Hostility
Clipping Penalty
The Mane Reason My Parole Was Revoked
Reason Has Been E-Clips-ed by Rage
Running With Scissors
In No Conditioner To Drive
Cuts & Bruises
Dude, I'm So Buzzed
I Hate My Mother
George Hair-ison's Solo Career
Why Won't You Dye?
and from the local phone book:
Upper Cuts
Wild Hair
Transformation Christian Beauty Salon (what?)
Snip 'N Clip
The Shortcut
and when in doubt, use the word "Shear"
Shear Pleasure
Shear Madness
Shear Impressions
Shear Professionals
Shear Elegance
Shear Blah, Blah, fill in the blank blah!
enough of that...shear torture...wait here's more:
Head First
Heads First
Heads Up
Head Waves
Head To Toe (gross!)
Head on the Door (um, ok?)
then there's the overkill of using "Hair"...
Hairloom Family Hair Design
Hairline Barber & Style
Hair Affair
and so on, and so forth, ad nauseam...
I'd like to hear your favorite/worst hair salon name - just leave a comment below. Pass the cheese, please.
And now the subtle segue into our own family hair style story (ok, not so's the story anyway, which I emailed to several of my friends several months ago when it occured).
Aaron Job has previously used scissors, in a controlled, adult-supervised enviroment. Recently we let him have his way with the funny paper. He likes cutting out the comic characters.
Observe photo #1:

In the above picture, he's in the study...with lots of books (not pictured here)...and bibles (not pictured here)...
The following day this photo was taken, Anita noticed a slit in a page of my new bible which was laying open on the desk.
She asked, "Aaron Job, did you cut this page in the bible?"
He answered, "No"
She asked again, "Aaron Job...did you cut this page in the bible?"
He again answers (keep in mind, he still has scissors in hand), "No."
Knowing Aaron Job usually is pretty truthful, she examines the "slit" closer to make sure it's not just a tear. Confirming that it's indeed a slit, she asks a third time, "Aaron Job...did you cut this page in the bible."
The guilt overwhelms him. "Yes, ma'am."
In a divine, poetically justified way, Anita notices where in the bible the cut was made:
I submit photo #2:

I won't go in to the rest of the story. You can probably figure it out.
So... I come home from work, and as I enter the house, I find a pile of sandy blonde hair on the bar.
Seems that even after the bible shredding incident, Aaron Job smuggled the weapon into his bed during nap time.
Anita tells me that when she went to get him up from his nap, his excitement and pride rivaled that of his 2 year old sister when she goes on the big potty.
"Mommy, look! It's not long any more!"
Now, photo #3 (Review Photo #1 for reference)

The photo does'nt reveal the other bald spot on the top.
So, after spending the evening cutting the grass, I ended the evening cutting the hair...what was left of it. So finally...
Photo #4.

The bible cutting event was probably inevitable, but punishable none the less (since he lied about it).
The hair cutting was certainly inevitable, but just plain hilarious!!
Thank you Lord, for children! And for digital cameras!
How about...
Folicle Follies?
Folicle Follies?
Did you really see that one somewhere? In Sheridan, I'll bet.
In Ruston there's a place called "The Hair Port".
Two that still make me laugh are:
1.)Secrets Revealed- what? do they tell everyone there that that's not your real hair color?
2.)Good Intentions- ????? they might as well call it "oops!"
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