

Guess Who?

Any guess as to who this is? I'll give clues over the next few days.


  1. One of the Van Zant brothers?

  2. Gary - no.
    Gary - no again.
    Jig - no for you.

    First Hint:

  3. Another hint? There's only two of you even guessing!

    Big Hint:
    Former Child Actor

  4. one of those kids on the goonies?

    I have no idea? Of course I haven't seen no more than, at maximum, 5 movies in the last 2 years. I am trying though-

  5. Goonies...Cory Feldman...nope.

    Bigger Hint:
    Former Child Actor of a sitcom

    I'm so encouraged by my wide readership.

  6. the kid who played the cousin on the Brady Bunch in the last few seasons.
    janet S

  7. by the way, I am sure I am right because I have this horrible problem of remembering useless facts about tv and movies. :)
    Janet S

  8. Robbie Rist

    Cousin Navarro's Piano

    How did you come up with that guy?

  9. Hats off to you, cjsmomx6!

  10. Good job Janet! Robbie Rist played "cousin Oliver" in the last season of Brady Bunch...some say that his addition to the show was the reason it was the last season! Honestly, I thought he was a great actor.

    Janet wasn't really the first correct answer. A friend of mine emailed me the answer but never posted it. Then, my wife was second in line - but she cheated by checking my browser history. She's no fun. :(

    I'll try to find another retro personality and post a pic later. Thanks for playing. Be sure and collect your parting gifts.

  11. yes congrats to cjsmomx6... does she get her pick of t-shirts from Centuri0ns pawn shop for the prize?

    I would have never guessed that-

  12. If Aaron's comment is correct, that Robbie's addition is what killed the Brady Bunch, we should also be tipping our hats to Robbie.

  13. Jig-a-WHAT!!??

    You are just one groovy dance step away from being banned from this blog!

    Do you not see the photo I've carefully selected as the top right image of my blog header?

    I'm dissappointed in you...were you not a child of the 70's? Does a smile not grow on your face when you hear phrases like "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" or "Oh, my nose!" or "Pork chops and applesauce"?

    Oh well. I 'll let it slide. After all, I did allow Veronica to say "kicking a##", so I guess I can allow you to curse the Brady's.
