

Put On Your Game Face

FINALLY! The truth comes's all a GAME folks!

The best selling book is now anat-home experience like no other!

“Your Best Life Now” by Joel Osteen has sold over 3 million copies and has been on the New York Times and Publisher’s Weekly Best Seller list for over 50 consecutive weeks. The game enables players to step beyond the one-on-one nature of the book and feel, touch, and live Joel’s 7 Steps To Living At Your Full Potential with your friends and family. Your Best Life Now: The Game is an entertaining and educational way to take inventory of yourself and accountability of your actions. Climb the mountain as you
• Enlarge Your Vision
• Develop a Healthy Self Image
• Discover the Power of your Thoughts and Words
• Let Go of the Past
• Find Strength Through Adversity
• Live To Give
• Choose to Be Happy

Each new plateau represents a challenge and a chance to open up and experience these steps first hand as you learn to live Your Best Life Now.


  1. It seems to me that the whole concept of "Your Best Life Now" is unsuitable to being molded into a game. That is, a traditional game where there are winners and losers. It wouldn't surprise me if the game ends with everybody winning. Can you imagine, . . . "Ha Ha Ha, Larry. You LOSE! You don't have the Best Life Now, . . I DO!! (singing) We are the champions. . . "

    Joel Osteen is nothing more than Zig Ziglar with a pulpit.
