

Children of Divorce

Having worked at FamilyLife now for 4 years, I have many indirect opportunities to help minister the Gospel to hurting families & marriages. However, I recently had an opportunity to directly contribute something that I pray will be used of God to perhaps prevent another statistical divorce somewhere in this sin-cursed world.

Not long ago I offered to share my brief testimony of dealing with my parents' divorce when I was a teenager back in the late 80's. They used my "story" on a recent FamilyLife broadcast dealing with "Children of Divorce" featuring author Jen Abbas. Mine is a rather sad, emotionally stirring story, and I tried to tell the truth without unnecessarily dishonoring my father. I hope to have accomplished that. I've shared my heart on this whole issue of children & divorce earlier on my blog as well.

If you're interested in hearing how one teenager (me) handled his parents' divorce, go here , then click on the "Windows Media" or "Real Player" links to listen to the October 24th broadcast. You can access all five days from this link as well.

I haven't listened to the entire five programs yet, but it looks to be a fairly helpful series.

Weekend to Remember - An Experience You'll Never Forget

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for being part of the broadcast. I share your prayers that the program will bring healing to those who listen.
