FEBRUARY 23 - 25
Dr. Bruce Ware (Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky) will be the keynote speaker for our annual BCLR Missions Conference.
You can listen to some of his sermons here or here.
Schedule & Sermon Titles:
February 23rd, Friday night, 6:30 p.m.
Sola Christus: The Exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the Only Savior
February 24th, Saturday morning, 10:00 a.m.
Sola Fide: The Exclusivity of the Gospel and Necessity of Faith in Christ to be Saved
February 25th, Sunday morning, 9:00am
Beholding Christ's Glory: Becoming Christ's Likeness
February 25th, Sunday morning, 10:30am
The Righteous Wrath of the Coming King (Psalm 2)
*There is no cost for any of these events. The Bible Church of Little Rock is located at 19111 Cantrell Road in west Little Rock.
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