

Dr. Bruce Ware to Speak in Little Rock


Any readers near central Arkansas? Here's your personal invitation to come hear Dr. Bruce Ware the last weekend in February at the Bible Church of Little Rock:

FEBRUARY 23 - 25

Dr. Bruce Ware (Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky) will be the keynote speaker for our annual BCLR Missions Conference.

You can listen to some of his sermons here or here.

Schedule & Sermon Titles:

February 23rd, Friday night, 6:30 p.m.
Sola Christus: The Exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the Only Savior

February 24th, Saturday morning, 10:00 a.m.
Sola Fide: The Exclusivity of the Gospel and Necessity of Faith in Christ to be Saved

February 25th, Sunday morning, 9:00am
Beholding Christ's Glory: Becoming Christ's Likeness

February 25th, Sunday morning, 10:30am
The Righteous Wrath of the Coming King (Psalm 2)

*There is no cost for any of these events.
The Bible Church of Little Rock is located at 19111 Cantrell Road in west Little Rock.

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