This balance of Truth & experience is rare. The problem with many songs that seek to express similar feelings & emotions is the failure to resolve anything, just leaving the Christian in doubtful despair. Yes Christians wander... they doubt.. .they sin... they live in moments of practical aethism. But Christians - true Christians - don't stay there because true Christians still cling to the hope of glory found in God's Word... God's promises... God's Son.
I believe this new arrangement (folksy & Caedmon's Call-ish) belongs to Red Mountain Music. I've heard of this group of musicians & heard a bit of their music - and like what I hear. You can hear a clip of the chorus & purchase this song at Amazon.
Help My Unbelief
I know the Lord is nigh
and would but cannot pray
For Satan meets me when I try
And frights my soul away
And frights my soul away
I would but cannot sing,
guilt has untuned my voice
My sin, just like the serpent’s sting
Has poisoned all my joys
Has poisoned all my joys
Help my unbelief
Help my unbelief
Help my unbelief
My help must come from Thee
I would but cannot love,
though wooed by love divine
No arguments have power to move
A soul as base as mine
A soul as base as mine
I would but cannot rest
in God’s most holy will
I know what He appoints is best
And murmur at it still
I murmur at it still
I would but can’t repent,
though I endeavor oft
This stony heart can ne’er relent
Til Jesus makes it soft
Til Jesus makes it soft
Wilt Thou not crown at length
the work Thou hast begun?
And with a will, afford me strength
In all Thy ways to run
In all Thy ways to run.
That's me!!!
Hope you don't mind... I borrowed this for a post and directed my millions of readers to your site. What is your contingency plan for the Blogger server going down?
Thanks, bro.
Thanks for the warning Bo... "millions of readers"... I'm afraid you'll have to help my unbelief.
I just wrote a post about this song and then did a google search on it. Your blog came up. I snagged the recording site off your blog and added it to mine since I had just written "I wish I could post the tune!" I Love the sound of that group! I think I'm going to order that cd!
Jessica Putman
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