

The Magic Treehouse

Aaron Job has been wanting a tree house. Frankly, I've been wanting to build one too - for the kids, that is. So I found a few pieces of scrap lumber today & went to work.

Stay down boys... it's dangerous work up here.

Yeah, it's that high. Don't tell Anita.

UPDATE: I had second thoughts and decided to lower it about half the distance to the ground. You moms can start breathing again.


  1. not so much the height as the absence of more railing. you need to be more worried about anita in it and breaking her arm. again.

  2. Looks like fun...but I do like the lower height...

  3. Thanks... I was about to have a heat attack:)

    that looks like tons of fun!

  4. That looks cool. I didn't see anything wrong with it...but then again, I am a Dad - what do we know? I found your blog from my sister Becky Arnold's blog. You have a nice looking group of kids there.
