

Music Changes Everything

It's not often that I get to use special music in the production of Revive Our Hearts, but when I do it's usually to underscore a dramatic read or some other creative element. And when these rare opportunities come up (they wouldn't be so rare if I were more creative!) I often spend hours (literally) trying to find the right piece of music to fit the piece (we use an audio library called Killer Tracks).

The right or wrong piece of music can make or break the mood of a story - and that's just using audio. When you add video and eliminate the audio, music is even more influential to how the piece is interpreted.

Well, I just saw a fascinating post this week over at the Mental_Floss blog that showed several examples of how music can totally change the mood of piece of video. Chris Higgins posted clips from "Diff'rent Strokes" and "The Shining" to easily make his case. You can see all the clips here.

Another mental_floss reader mentioned a Mary Poppins re-mix that gives the same effect. Check it out:

Never underestimate the power of music.

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