

Wordle Schmurdle

I found a fun online tool last week called Wordle. It's easy to use. You enter any text you want or any url that has an RSS feed, and Wordle creates a word picture. The largest words appreaing in the creation are the ones most used in the text or feed. The first image below was done using my iamchief blog feed. Apparently it uses only recent posts. (Click any image to enlarge)

This next cloud uses the feed from my 88 blog:

A Wordle from JC Ryle's great book "Holiness", this is his first chapter. Can you guess the chapter title?

Here is a Wordle I did using the entire text of the book of Romans (ESV):

A Wordle taken from the ESV text of Psalm 119:

As you can see, you can pick your own colors, fonts & layout. Here are some Wordle images made from presidential inaugural speeches. The creator of Wordle allows anyone to use these images in any way they desire, as long as credit is linked back to his site.

So, try your own Wordle and leave a link to it in the comments section - be creative with a book, poem, Bible passage, speech, whatever - I'd love to see it.

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