Perhaps the best explanation of why this book has been republished can be heard from the author himself. In the Preface to the 2010 Edition, John MacArthur writes,
Sometime in the summer of 2007, I picked up a copy of Ashamed of the Gospel for the first time in fourteen years and started thumbing through it. Before I put the book down again, I had devoured eight chapters. I was pleased and amazed to see the enduring relevance of the book—especially since I wrote it to critique the notion that relevance is achieved by dragging the church from fad to fad in a vain effort to stay abreast of the times.
Of course, my passion for the message of this book has not diminished since I first proposed the idea to my publisher, but I was nevertheless surprised and encouraged to see how much of what I wrote in 1991 is expressed exactly as I would want to say it today. While I am disappointed by how accurately (and speedily) the predictions I made have been fulfilled, I am not disheartened, and I intend to keep sounding the warning as long as the Lord gives me breath. In fact, before putting the book down that day, I resolved to do my best to see it released again in a new, expanded edition...
Ashamed of the Gospel is now available at Amazon . Chapter One is available online for free at the publisher's website.
Or - win a free copy here! Leave a comment here to enter and I'll choose a winner late Friday.
Pick me! Pick me! Oooh oooh oooh, pick me!
I'll take it!
Look how high my hand is raised!
I am bouncing around in my seat!
Pick me!
I will add my Pick Me to the choir. So pick me please....
Congrats to Christopher Bronso - winner of the book!
Christopher, email me your mailing address & I'll get your book to you right away.
aaron DOT iamchief AT gmail DOT com
BTW... how'd you find this blog? I don't think we've met!
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