

Pray for Mamaw

UPDATE:  Thanks to those who prayed.  Mamaw went to Heaven Tuesday night, May 25th. Read her obit here.

Our Mamaw is 89 years old and her health has recently made a drastic turn for the worse.  She is very close to Heaven.  She could be only days or weeks away from meeting her Savior.
Abby has been asking everyone to pray for Mamaw & asked me to post this note for others to see (Mrs. Johnson is her school counselor).
Visiting Mamaw, November 2009


  1. Tell Abby I will be praying for her mamaw's peace and comfort. Abby's letter really touched my heart since I am a mamaw to 6 wonderful grandchildren. I know you will all miss her but the joy in being a christian is that we will meet them again at our eternal home in heaven with Jesus.

  2. Aaron: Thoughts and prayers go out to your family during this time. Take care, Mike Cloud

  3. ahhh... that's the sweetest letter!!
