

Thanks Mom!

In honor of my mom on this Mother's Day, I'm posting a series of photos - actually the same photo, but with a slight variation. Below is a pic of my mom & me (I'm the wee one) at her home in Oxford, England. This was in the Fall of 1970 and apparently the monochromatic pallet was the thing for room decor (and still is?).

Here's the fun part.  Believe it or not, one of the color pallets below is the actual one.  Can you guess which color the room really is?


  1. I'm guessing the first one. The first and last photo remind me the most of that era. In England, you say? YEAH BABY!

  2. First one gets my vote. Were you born in England?

  3. Was it my poor photoshop skillz?

    The blue room is the original pic. I've got a couple of other monochromatically maddening color scheme pics still to come...
