

Filling in Empty Music (2 of 3)

Yesterday I began the first of three short posts on the subject of worship song lyrics. Today, I want to introduce you to another song & my additional lyrics.  The song is Praise Adonai by Paul Baloche and it's a great song! You can get chords & sheet music here. The only weakness is that it has only one verse and the chorus. So, I've since added two extra verses (in orange).
Who is like Him
the Lion and the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Mountains bow down
Every ocean roars
To the Lord of hosts


Praise Adonai
From the rising of the sun
'Til the end of every day
Praise Adonai
All the nations of the earth
All the angels and the saints
Sing praise.

Who is like Him
obedient to death
Death upon a cross
every knee shall bow
and every tongue confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord!


Who is like Him
The Way, the Truth, the Life
The Shepherd and the Door
The true abiding Vine
The Living Bread from Heav’n
The great I AM the Lord!

 If you're still around tomorrow, we'll look at one last song... just in time for Christmas!

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