

A Birthday Poem for my Wife but All About Me

Of all the days that one can share
there is one day that won't compare:
the day that you - my bestest friend - were born

You see, the day you came to be
was God at work, thinking of me
and how to rescue one who was forlorn.

I worshiped self and loved me too
that is until I looked at you
your smile and beauty caught me by surprise

Your funniness and friendliness
your wittiness and godliness
were used by Him to open up my eyes

I thought the chase was mine for you
but little did I know the truth
the Maker of the world pursuing me?

He came to seek and save the lost
He found me, then at quite a cost
His Son was crushed so I would then be free

Jesus Christ is now my life
an extra bonus:  you're my wife!
my former self is dead.  I do not mourn.

It's all His work of sovereign grace
It's humbling to look back and trace
And praise Him for the day that you were born.

Happy birthday my love.
So glad that you were born!
I love you!

(for more detail about how God used my wife to save my life, read here)


  1. great poem aaron - love yall's story and love you both.

  2. I love it! Happy birthday, Anita! :)

  3. This poem was beautiful! Moreover, when we engage in it to our loved ones ... Well done!

  4. WoW! what a brilliant masterpiece indeed.=)

  5. What a great poem. It fits my husband and me only in reverse (the Lord sent him for me!) Thanks for sharing it!

  6. That was one of the best things I have read in my life... more so because it was so honest!
