

How to Pray for Your Pastors

In the introductory comments from his book, Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices, Thomas Brooks asks for prayer as a pastor. Perhaps this could be a guide as you pray for your pastor.

That you would pray for me, who am not worthy to be named among the saints,
  • that I may be a precious instrument in the hand of Christ to bring in many souls unto him,
  • and to build up those who are brought in, in their most holy faith;
  • and "that utterance may be given to me, that I may make known all the will of God" (Eph. 6:19);
  • that I may be sincere, faithful, frequent, fervent and constant in the work of the Lord, and that my labor be not in vain in the Lord;
  • that my labors may be accepted in the Lord and his saints, and I may daily see the travail of my soul.
But, above all, pray for me--
  • that I may more and more find the power and sweet of those things upon my own heart,
  • that I give out to you and others;
  • that my soul may be so visited with strength from on high,
  • that I may live up fully and constantly to those truths that I hold forth to the world;
  • and that I may be both in life and doctrine "a burning and a shining light,"
that so, when the Lord Jesus shall appear, "I may receive a crown of glory which he shall give to me in that day, and not only to me, but to all who love his appearing." (John 5:35 and 2 Tim. 1:8).
(The Banner of Truth Trust; Page 20)

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